Other services from the network

The network is a not for profit online resource, and does not sell services.

However, services relating to improving performance are available from members or member organisations of the network:

Education – transform your managers into ‘high performance business leaders’. If you need to develop your leaders and managers in their role as creators of high performance in their teams and their organisations then targeted training and coaching work can make a significant difference to the way they improve contribution and success. Services in the development of Leaders and Managers to drive higher performance and create performance culture are available from members of the network. If you want to know more, ‘Get in touch’. (link to get in touch page)

Consultancy – if you have completed the rapid diagnosis on performance (link to ‘Understand your performance space’) then you’ll already have an insight into the type of performance space you are creating. The diagnostic is not and in-depth insight, but it will highlight some areas for consideration. Experienced consultants from the network can help to provide clarity and sensible action to improve your performance approach. If you want to know more, ‘Get in touch’. (link to get in touch page).

Speakers – if you are holding an event, and want credible speakers to contribute to the success of your event with a leaning toward improving performance leadership and management, then members of the network provide such services. If you want to know more, ‘Get in touch’.